Uncommon Ground Contributor Scott Davies

Scott Davies is a freelance writer from Adelaide, Australia, with an interest in politics, history and culture. He holds a BA (Honours) in History and is currently studying a Master of Teaching (Secondary).

Articles by Scott Davies:

Is Australia’s Literacy Education Failing Its Children?

Despite ever-increasing investment in education, Australia’s literacy rates are not improving and are falling behind those of other nations. Why is this so? The gradual decline in literacy standards in Australian schools has garnered much attention in recent years. Despite standardised testing in the form of NAPLAN as well as ever-increasing sums of money being […] Read more

Why Progressives Must Stop Reflexively Opposing Nuclear Power

Amid rising concerns about climate change, nuclear power provides a clean, sustainable solution. Progressives must recognise its value as an energy source. The ongoing energy debate is one of the central debates of the 21st century. As climate change becomes an ever more pressing policy issue, finding a source of energy which is clean and sustainable, […] Read more

Australia Day – Should The Date Be Changed?

In recent years, calls for Australia Day to be changed from January 26 have intensified. Should an alternate date for Australia Day be chosen? January 26, the date of Australia Day, Australia’s national holiday is fast approaching, and along with it the annual controversy surrounding the date. In recent years, pushback on the January 26 […] Read more

The Unrealised Promise of Ukraine’s Euromaidan

Four years on from Ukraine’s Euromaidan revolution, the country’s reform process is stalled and the promise of the movement remains largely unrealised. November 21 marked four years since the beginning of the Euromaidan revolution in Ukraine. On that day, a protest movement began which would lead to the ousting of Viktor Yanukovych, a pivot towards […] Read more