The Myth of the Soy Boy: Veganism and Masculinity

Despite vegan men often being dismissed as ‘soyboys’ in popular culture, there is no inherent contradiction between veganism and masculinity. The popular neologism soy boy, “used to describe males who completely and utterly lack all necessary masculine qualities,” has brought back the trite equation of veganism with sub-masculinity. Real men eat meat, as the cliché […] Read more

Confronting The World’s Water Crises

The shortage of water around the world increasingly presents a geopolitical and security issue as well as an environmental one. Across the world, record heatwaves, dry seasons and unseasonable warmth are wreaking havoc on water supplies. Many areas of the world find themselves in drought conditions the likes of which they have not seen in […] Read more

Harnessing Evolution: Escaping the Exponential Spiral of Human Growth

Human civilization is obsessed with growth, but our relentless pursuit of it might be the problem of the century, and it could easily break us completely. Bret Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist of repute, both excellent and controversial. After leaving Evergreen College last year, Bret and his equally evolutionary-biologist wife Heather Heying have been spending […] Read more

Why Progressives Must Stop Reflexively Opposing Nuclear Power

Amid rising concerns about climate change, nuclear power provides a clean, sustainable solution. Progressives must recognise its value as an energy source. The ongoing energy debate is one of the central debates of the 21st century. As climate change becomes an ever more pressing policy issue, finding a source of energy which is clean and sustainable, […] Read more