Marxism, Brexit and Spiked Magazine with Brendan O’Neill

Brendan O’Neill, editor of Spiked Magaizne, speaks to Brian Graham for Conatus News about the origins of Spiked, Brexit, Marxism, perceptions of Russia in the West and more. This is part 1 of a 3-part interview. An audio version of this text is available at the end of the article. Brian Graham: I thought it might be […] Read more

Canada Struggles with Secularism. What Can We Do? – A chat with Dave McKee, Communist Party of Canada

Despite being a secular nation, Canada struggles with promoting secularism, as schools and hospitals are highly influenced by religion. An interview with Dave McKee, Communist Party of Canada, on the country’s problems with religiosity in the public sector. Scott Douglas Jacobsen: What stereotypes do you often hear about communism in Ontario and Canadian discourse? Dave […] Read more