Sex and Social Constructionism

Dr Em demolishes the idea that feminists should adopt the views of social constructionism and demonstrates the importance of understanding biological sex. Read more

Pronouns are Rohypnol

The following article was removed from publication on Medium. We present it unedited for readers to make up their own minds. There’s a lot of chat around about pronouns right now. Specifically, ‘preferred’ pronouns. By which is usually meant, the pronouns a person would prefer other people to use when they are the subject being […] Read more

The Solipsism Of Identity Politics

Taken to its logical conclusion, identity politics is solipsistic in nature, diminishing understanding of the world beyond the self. To fully understand marginalisation, one needs to have experienced marginalisation first-hand. This assumption is increasingly fundamental to today’s practice of identity politics, evident in the higher credence that many people claim ought to be afforded to […] Read more