Tunisian Freethinkers are Under Attack

Tunisian Islamist extremists are threatening and attacking freethinkers, a sign of increasing violence in Tunisia following the 2011 revolution. Last week, Tunisian citizen Nacer Amari, a member of an organisation called Tunisian Freethinkers, announced on Facebook that the president of the organisation had been stabbed and assaulted by Islamic extremists outside a bar in Tunis. […] Read more

Andrew Copson: Humanism and Secularism in Modern Society

Andrew Copson, Chief Executive of Humanists UK and President of IHEU, talks to Conatus News about humanism and secularism in modern society. Scott Douglas Jacobsen: I wanted to talk about humanism: the hows and whys, the theoretical and practical. To begin, what is humanism properly defined in its most general sense? Andrew Copson: In English, […] Read more

Confronting Superstition in Postcolonial Mozambique

In Mozambique, murders of albinos, bald men, and other superstition-fueled crimes are common. Where do these ritual killings come from? Recently, there have been reported incidents of harmful acts that are connected with traditional beliefs and practices across the region. For instance, some people attacked traders and fishermen for ‘tying the rain’. They alleged that […] Read more

Comparisons Between Female Genital Mutilation and Male Circumcision are False and Dangerous

By: Dr Zuhdi Jasser, Dr Waqas Khan, and Dr Shaaz Mahboob, in partnership with America Matters The comparison between Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and male circumcision on a medical basis is false and endangers women who are subjected to it. Introduction The April 2017 federal indictment of multiple Muslim physicians for the crime of female […] Read more

The Untapped Potential of Psychedelics in Mental Health Treatment

Offering breakthroughs across the board in Mental Health treatment, state-prohibited Psychedelics may yet be of paramount importance. In 2017, mainstream media outlets like the BBC, The Economist, and VICE started taking notice of ‘Micro-dosing’, an emerging practice of consuming small quantities of psychedelics as a part of a regular lifestyle. Not to be conflated with […] Read more

How will Billy Graham be Remembered?

Influential Evangelical pastor Billy Graham (1918-2018), who played an outsized role in American Evangelical Christianity, died Wednesday at the age of 99. Rev. Billy Graham was one of the most prominent American preachers of the 20th century. He died on February 21, 2018, at the age of 99. In his public preachings, he attracted as many […] Read more