Is Australia’s Literacy Education Failing Its Children?

Despite ever-increasing investment in education, Australia’s literacy rates are not improving and are falling behind those of other nations. Why is this so? The gradual decline in literacy standards in Australian schools has garnered much attention in recent years. Despite standardised testing in the form of NAPLAN as well as ever-increasing sums of money being […] Read more

Muslim-American Femicide and the Intersectional Feminist Enablers

Honor killings of Muslim women in the United States and across the West persist. Is intersectional feminism giving cover to these practices?   “At least international media can see how I am trying to change the typical orthodox mindset of people who don’t want to come out of their shells of false beliefs and old practices.” […] Read more

Canada Struggles with Secularism. What Can We Do? – A chat with Dave McKee, Communist Party of Canada

Despite being a secular nation, Canada struggles with promoting secularism, as schools and hospitals are highly influenced by religion. An interview with Dave McKee, Communist Party of Canada, on the country’s problems with religiosity in the public sector. Scott Douglas Jacobsen: What stereotypes do you often hear about communism in Ontario and Canadian discourse? Dave […] Read more

Can Contemporary Economics Gain From A Philosophical Perspective?

In the fifth instalment of this Q&A with Conatus News, Dr Alexander Douglas discusses economic philosophy and contemporary economic issues. Dr Alexander Douglas specialises in the history of philosophy and the philosophy of economics. He is a faculty member at the University of St. Andrews in the School of Philosophical, Anthropological and Film Studies. In this […] Read more

Why Progressives Must Stop Reflexively Opposing Nuclear Power

Amid rising concerns about climate change, nuclear power provides a clean, sustainable solution. Progressives must recognise its value as an energy source. The ongoing energy debate is one of the central debates of the 21st century. As climate change becomes an ever more pressing policy issue, finding a source of energy which is clean and sustainable, […] Read more

Jessica Schab – On A Mission to Leave Superstition (Part 2)

Following on from last month’s interview, Jessica Schab, co-founder of End of Fear Project, tells us about her intimate experience with the New Age movement and the challenges she faced in breaking away. Angelos Sofocleous: In the previous decade, you got into the New Age movement, you experienced what it’s like being an active New […] Read more

Q&A on Philosophy with Dr Stephen Law – Session 3

In Part Three of this Q&A with Conatus News, Dr Stephen Law discusses authoritarian philosophies, epistemology and education. Part 1 Part 2 Dr Stephen Law is Reader in Philosophy at Heythrop College, University of London. He is also the editor of THINK: Philosophy for Everyone, a journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy (published by Cambridge […] Read more

The “Social Justice” Reaction to Joseph Kennedy III Spells Trouble for Democrats

Reactions to Joseph Kennedy III’s response to President Trump’s State of the Union address highlight ongoing divides within the Democratic Party. After President Trump delivered one of the lengthiest State of the Union speeches in recent history, Joseph Kennedy III gave the Democratic Response in an auto shop at the Diman Regional Technical School in […] Read more