An Interview with Ajomuzu Collette Bekaku – Founder and Executive Director of the Cameroon Association for the Protection and Education of the Child

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: What was the original interest in the protection and education of children? I grew up in a community where child labour was perceived as “normal”. It was a time in Africa, especially in Cameroon, when it was normal for children to help parents at home with little household chores like sweeping the compound, […] Read more

Q&A on Atheism, Women’s Rights, and Human Rights with Marie Alena Castle – Session 1

Marie Alena Castle is the communications director for Atheists for Human Rights. She was raised Roman Catholic, but became an atheist. She has been important to atheism, Minnesota Atheists, The Moral Atheist, National Organization of Women, and wrote Culture Wars: The Threat to Your Family and Your Freedom (2013). She has a lifetime of activist experience, which I wanted to explore and crystallise in an educational series. Here are the results. Read more

An interview with CW Brown – Founder and CEO of Philosophical Atheism, and Executive Director of the Atheist Alliance of America

CW, you are the CEO and Founder of the Philosophical Atheism online community. How did this idea come about? I wanted to create a forum for people to discuss complicated philosophical concepts based in reason, evidence, understanding, and proper argumentation. We also joke, laugh, and educate ourselves as we go. I am excited that it […] Read more

An Interview with Dan Arel – Secular Activist and Godless Parent

Scott Jacobsen interviews Dan Arel who is a secular activist, author, blogger and Godless parent. In this interview, they discuss secular activism, Dan’s blogging and parenting methods, as well as his favourite topics to write on. Scott Douglas Jacobsen: You are a godless parent. You wrote a book on the subject. How does someone parent […] Read more

An Interview with Amanda Poppei

Minister Amanda Poppei is a Senior Leader and Unitarian Universalist Minister at the Washington Ethical Society (Ethical Culture and Unitarian Universalist). She grew up in upstate New York. Here is her story. Read more