Interview with Bob Churchill – Director of Communications at the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU)

Bob Churchill is the Communications Director for The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), Editor of The Free Thought Report. Bob Churchill is also a trustee of Conway Hall Ethical Society and a trustee of the Karen Woo Foundation. How did you become involved in humanism and IHEU? I have a habit of looking at any situation and saying “Ok, […] Read more

Interview with William Keener – President of the Hickory Humanist Alliance

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: What is your family and personal story – culture, education, and geography? My German (Lutheran and Reformed) and Scots Irish (Presbyterian) ancestors immigrated to the American colonies in the mid-Eighteenth Century and settled in the North Carolina backcountry near what is now the city of Hickory (about 35 miles northwest of Charlotte). […] Read more

Interview with Linda LaScola – Editor of Rational Doubt, Clinical Social Worker, Psychotherapist, & Qualitative Researcher

Linda LaScola is a research consultant. She recently re-released her book (with Daniel Dennett) based on work in which she interviewed non-believing clergy, Caught in the Pulpit: Leaving Belief Behind, with updates and additions. Linda co-founded the Clergy Project. The site features members of the clergy project.  She also blogs on Patheos at Rational Doubt, […] Read more

Interview with Dana L. Morganroth ​- Advisory Board Member and Vice President of CFI-Pittsburgh

Dana L. Morganroth is an advisory Board-Member and Vice President of CFI-Pittsburgh, and a Board-Member and Vice President Sunday Assembly Pittsburgh. What began the interest in critical thinking, science, and scepticism for you? During high school, I was an active member of a Christian youth group that spawned the Willow Creek Community (mega) Church outside […] Read more

Interview with Rebecca Hale – President of The American Humanist Association

Rebecca Hale was elected president of the American Humanist Association in 2013. She is co-owner of, the popular online store of atheist, humanist, and pro-science merchandise, and co-founder of the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs. Rebecca became a member of the American Humanist Association in 1996 and served as vice president from 2005 to 2012. She is a frequent […] Read more

Interview with Tehmina Kazi

Tehmina Kazi is an activist, writer and author based in Ireland. Tehmina was, until mid 2016, the Director of British Muslims for Secular Democracy (a position she took up in May 2009). British Muslims for Secular Democracy aims to raise awareness within British Muslims and the wider public, of democracy particularly ‘secular democracy’ helping to contribute to […] Read more

Interview with Professor  ​Rebecca Goldstein — Novelist, Philosopher, and Public Intellectual

Professor Rebecca Newberger Goldstein is a novelist, philosopher, public intellectual, and visiting Professor of Philosophy and English at New York University and Visiting Professor of Philosophy at the New College of the Humanities. Scott Douglas Jacobsen: What is your family story? I was brought up in an Orthodox Jewish household. My father was a refugee […] Read more

Interview with Roslyn Mould -​ President of the Humanist Association of Ghana; Chair of the African working group (IHEYO)

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: You grew up as a Catholic. You went to Holy Child School, Cape Coast as well. What is your story as a youth growing up in a religious household? What was the experience? I attended Catholic schools, St. Theresa’s School in Accra from primary, junior high school and in Holy Child School […] Read more