For the Rise of Extremes, Blame the Centre Ground

Much has been said recently about the threat of populism on the right and the left. People have been calling for tolerance and freedom of speech – sentiments which I wholly agree with. When we tolerate people and their right to hold opinions however, it doesn’t mean we have to tolerate the opinions themselves. It means […] Read more

Why has Saudi Arabia been elected to a UN Commission on Women?

In a move bound to invite the scorn, disillusionment and anger of women’s rights advocates from all over the world, as well as confirm the general impression among many that the UN is failing as a guardian of human rights, Saudi Arabia was elected via secret ballot in the UN Economic and Social Council to […] Read more

Atrocities: Coming to Terms With Our Past Isn’t So Easy

It’s easy to point out the failings of others; it’s harder to do so for the failings in ourselves. There was a recent poll which showed that almost a majority of people in the UK see the British Empire favourably, reminding us that coming to terms with the atrocities of the past is incredibly difficult. […] Read more