“Us Vs Them” – Why We Need To Rewrite Our Social Contracts

Ian Bremmer’s latest book “Us Vs Them” examines those who have not benefitted from the global economic system and their role in contemporary politics. The year 2016 has been presented by many as a marking of the end of an era — an era of global economic integration, institutional development and liberal storytelling promoted around […] Read more

Africa’s Achilles’ Heel: Superstition and the Imperative of Critical Inquiry

Africa’s inability to move on from superstitious beliefs and toward critical inquiry is preventing the continent from keeping up with the rest of the world. A lot has been said and written about Africa and the continent’s inextricable bind to superstitions. Anthropologists have documented cases of unyielding magical manifestations and interpretations of reality. They have […] Read more

Being Non-Religious in Africa – Why Secular Countries Must Help

Being known as a humanist or an atheist can mean social ostracisation at best, at worst, death in Africa. Secular liberal countries must do more for them. Being a non-religious person comes with many risks and challenges. In many nations across Africa and the world, those who identify openly as atheists or agnostics are unable […] Read more