Yemen’s Potential Baha’i Executions Mirror Revolutionary Iran

International pressure stopped Iran’s executions of Baha’is in the 1980s. Today, it can do the same thing for Baha’is in Yemen. The world must not let another teenage girl die. The date was June 18, 1983. A seventeen-year-old girl was publically hung in the middle of a polo field in Shiraz, Iran, during the night. […] Read more

Iranian Dreams: Exiles Describe Their Ideal Iran

We asked four Iranians, persecuted for varying religious and political reasons unable to return to their country what their ideal Iran looks like. The recent protests in Iran have sent a clear message that Iranians are unhappy with the state of their country. From economic policies to strictly enforced religious laws, Iranians are fed up […] Read more

Iranian Regime Attempts to Suppress Protestors’ Rage

Iran is cracking down on social media as protestors express discontent with theocratic rule. This week in Iran, what began as protests over high costs of living have morphed into an outcry against the country’s theocratic rule. On Saturday, protestors in Khoramabad chanted ‘We don’t want an Islamic Republic’ and ‘Death to the Dictator.’ […] Read more