African-American Theology Can Serve To Lead People To Humanism. Here’s How.

Professor Anthony Pinn speaks on the intersecting philosophies of African-American Theology and advocates a new approach to spread humanistic thought. Professor Anthony Pinn is the Agnes Cullen Arnold Professor of Humanities at Rice University.  He earned his B.A. from Columbia University and M.Div. and PhD in the study of religion from Harvard University and specialises in […] Read more

Quebec is Currently Leading a Secular Revolution in Canada. Here’s How.

David Rand, President of the Atheist Freethinkers of Canada, speaks to Conatus News about secularism and the challenges facing secularists in Quebec. Scott Douglas Jacobsen: David, let us start with definitions, what defines “Quebec secularism?” There was the proposed Bill 60 or, otherwise called, “Charter affirming the values of State secularism and religious neutrality and […] Read more

Catholic Values Fundraising Row – Secularists Respond

The International Campaign For One Secular School System will be holding a press conference at Parliament Hill in response to the Halton Catholic District School Board’s new ‘Catholic values only’ fundraising rule. The publicly funded Halton Catholic District School Board, which oversees 33,000 students in 46 elementary, 9 secondary and 4 continuing education facilities, passed a […] Read more

How will Billy Graham be Remembered?

Influential Evangelical pastor Billy Graham (1918-2018), who played an outsized role in American Evangelical Christianity, died Wednesday at the age of 99. Rev. Billy Graham was one of the most prominent American preachers of the 20th century. He died on February 21, 2018, at the age of 99. In his public preachings, he attracted as many […] Read more

Muslim-American Femicide and the Intersectional Feminist Enablers

Honor killings of Muslim women in the United States and across the West persist. Is intersectional feminism giving cover to these practices?   “At least international media can see how I am trying to change the typical orthodox mindset of people who don’t want to come out of their shells of false beliefs and old practices.” […] Read more

Canada Struggles with Secularism. What Can We Do? – A chat with Dave McKee, Communist Party of Canada

Despite being a secular nation, Canada struggles with promoting secularism, as schools and hospitals are highly influenced by religion. An interview with Dave McKee, Communist Party of Canada, on the country’s problems with religiosity in the public sector. Scott Douglas Jacobsen: What stereotypes do you often hear about communism in Ontario and Canadian discourse? Dave […] Read more