Uncommon Ground Contributor Emile Yusupoff

Blogger, activist and former philosophy student at The University of Edinburgh

Articles by Emile Yusupoff:

An “Ever-closer Union” is Driving the EU Further Apart

The Drive Towards a United Europe is Self-defeating. With 60 years having passed since the Treaty of Rome, the European Union and its predecessors have now shaped Europe for almost as long as the Soviet Union did. It is not an unnoticed irony that the EU’s 60th has coincided with the confirmation of the United […] Read more

Is Western Civilisation Worth Saving?

Perhaps the defining feature of political discourse in the 21st century is the spectre of the decline and possible pending fall of Western civilisation. Whether it be the purported threat of Islamisation by a million migrants, the stirring of the red dragon, the supposed erosion of Judeo-Christian values, the proliferation of nihilistic consumerism, or the […] Read more

50 Shades of A-theism: A Compendium of Discrimination Against Atheists

It may seem hyperbolic to describe atheists as an oppressed minority from the standpoint of living in a Western secular liberal democracy. However, from a global perspective, and even in developed countries that purportedly cherish freedom of belief, atheists face endemic and systemic legal and cultural discrimination, even to the point of death based on […] Read more

We Should be Worried about ​Theresa May’s Conference Speech

Almost everything in Theresa May’s conference speech deserves condemnation. It was a populist pitch to xenophobia and a call to ignore economic reality and charge headlong into the disaster that will be Hard Brexit. The Prime Minister has turned the Conservative Party into a slicker, less comedic, and much more dangerous UKIP. Alongside the frightening […] Read more

Dear Black Lives Matter, All Climate Change Matters

The question of whether climate change is racist might seem a little odd. The reason that climate change is such an issue is due to it being a potential threat to the entire world. Pollution also tends to be indiscriminate. However, in light of the Black Lives Matter UK protest at London City Airport on Tuesday, […] Read more

The Poverty of ‘Identity’

It is hard to overstate the impact of identity politics. The “new culture wars”, have engulfed social media and university campuses and the anti-globalisation tide continues to rise. Left and right have seen the development of hard-line identitarian wings, whilst the themes of intersectionality, community, and nationality have entered mainstream politics. Identitarianism is a rejection […] Read more

The Left’s Jewish Problem Runs Deeper than Israel

Dealing with anti-semitism may require jettisoning more of the politics of envy, populism, and collectivism than the left is capable of. The debate over the left’s anti-semitism problem has continued unabated recently. The Labour Party continues to flip-flop over whether people who hate Jews are welcome in the party, and the student left continues to struggle to […] Read more

The Home Office is No Background For a Prime Minister

Theresa May may have been the best viable candidate for Prime Minister. Compared to the other Conservative Party candidates, she has a comparatively good record on issues such as LGB rights, and she understands the importance of prioritising British access to the Single Market in the Brexit aftermath. She may be, at least comparatively, a […] Read more