Tear Gas and Arrests Follow Turkish Women’s Rights Protests

On March 4, Turkish protesters were on the streets of Ankara, Turkey, for the advancement of women’s rights and were met with arrests and tear gas. At a gathering ahead of International Women’s Day, which is on March 8, the marchers ignored calls to disperse their protests. This was not taken well by the riot […] Read more

French Embassy in Burkina Faso attacked by jihadist terrorists

A terrorist attack on the French Embassy in Burkina Faso on Friday, March 3, believed to be targeting the anti-terror force G5-Sahel has killed dozens. A jihadist terror attack on the French Embassy in Burkina Faso claimed dozens of lives on Friday, March 3. There were two attacks, with one on the French Embassy in […] Read more

Tunisian Freethinkers are Under Attack

Tunisian Islamist extremists are threatening and attacking freethinkers, a sign of increasing violence in Tunisia following the 2011 revolution. Last week, Tunisian citizen Nacer Amari, a member of an organisation called Tunisian Freethinkers, announced on Facebook that the president of the organisation had been stabbed and assaulted by Islamic extremists outside a bar in Tunis. […] Read more

How will Billy Graham be Remembered?

Influential Evangelical pastor Billy Graham (1918-2018), who played an outsized role in American Evangelical Christianity, died Wednesday at the age of 99. Rev. Billy Graham was one of the most prominent American preachers of the 20th century. He died on February 21, 2018, at the age of 99. In his public preachings, he attracted as many […] Read more

ISIS Suicide Bombing In Kabul Kills Dozens

The Islamic State (ISIS) carried out a series of suicide bombings near a Shia cultural centre in Kabul, Afghanistan earlier today, killing dozens. Islamic State (IS) militants have been linked to a series of suicide bomb blasts at a Shi’ite cultural centre in Kabul, Afghanistan, which has left at least 40 dead and dozens more […] Read more

Indonesia Relaxes Religious Requirements on ID Cards

In a move that has earned praise from human rights activists, courts have struck down a law imposing a religious identity upon citizens of Indonesia. A law that required Indonesian citizens to have one of the country’s six main religions mentioned on their ID cards has been unanimously declared unconstitutional, discriminatory, and unjust by an […] Read more