Lebanon’s Syrian Refugees Face An Uncertain Future

While Assad prepares for a post-war order, Syrian refugees in Lebanon face an uncertain future, making their presence even more precarious. Driving north from Lebanon ́s capital Beirut, we reach the Bekaa Valley and its biggest city, Baalbeck. Fields and small villages along the road dominate the scenery. Beyond the mountain range to our right, […] Read more

When Reporting on Conflict, Western Mainstream Media is Failing

  In my opinion, I struggle to find something of value in the pieces on international conflicts and wars on mainstream media channels. Don’t get me wrong, there are many catchy pieces of vocabulary, organised in an easy-to-follow structure. Why is it, however, that we insist on turning news into entertainment in such a way? […] Read more

The Siege of Aleppo Has No Easy Answers

Eighty-two men, women and children shot on the spot. Homes and buildings bombed to smithereens to create a landscape reminiscent of Dresden. Innocents blasted into oblivion by indiscriminate ‘air strikes’ or trapped under tonnes of rubble. Children freezing to death in the Syrian winter cold, their young minds shaped irreparably by the trauma of war. […] Read more