Fetishising the Causes of Youth

Fear of alienating the next generation of voters and consumers has led to a problem, particularly within liberal circles, of fetishising youth and mindlessly championing their favoured causes. Looking around at the rapt faces I found myself shifting uncomfortably in my seat, like a non-believer at an evangelist meeting. This was a large conference of socially […] Read more

The Deep Roots of the Illiberal Left

Illiberal attitudes toward free speech and expression have been a feature among sections of the Left going as far back as Marx and Engels. “Hate speech!” is a battle cry we’re all too familiar with by now, and “deplatforming”—the disinvitation of controversial speakers—has become common practice on progressive campuses. A reversal of the Voltairean pledge, […] Read more

It’s Time Women Stop Having to Pay the Cost of Prostitution

The social implications of prostitution are clear, but men, without whom prostitution would not exist, are invisible and erased from the equation. It beggars belief that an offence which resulted in a £100 fine more than twenty years ago could still seriously harm a woman’s career. Yet, many women who were coerced into prostitution below […] Read more