No Compulsion in Religion?

Canadian blogger Abdullah Sameer posted a video on Facebook last Thursday that picked up around 70,000 views in less than 24 hours. The topic was bound to attract attention; Sameer’s video was a video diary on why he had made the decision to leave Islam.​ Sporting a large and characteristic South Asian beard, Sameer looked […] Read more

An Intolerance of Democracy Has Been Unleashed Post-Brexit

The bigotry a number of Brits have shown towards migrants and ethnic minorities in the weeks since the EU referendum has been truly shocking. People have been shouted at in the street, they’ve been told to leave the country; pro-Brexit cards have been distributed around one community declaring “No more Polish Vermin”; racist graffiti has been […] Read more

The Evils of Rampant Religious Privilege

Criticisms of the Catholic Church, Islamist violence and religious intolerance are chiefly and sometimes exclusively championed by people well-known for their anti-religious sentiment. Rather than disparaging religion, it is more respectable to lack any strong beliefs, but also treat religious ideas delicately. However, a whiff of religiosity seems to protect the interests of sinister groups […] Read more

The Home Office is No Background For a Prime Minister

Theresa May may have been the best viable candidate for Prime Minister. Compared to the other Conservative Party candidates, she has a comparatively good record on issues such as LGB rights, and she understands the importance of prioritising British access to the Single Market in the Brexit aftermath. She may be, at least comparatively, a […] Read more

Political Correctness is Bad: Discuss

2016. Trump is rising. Right-wing parties loom across Europe. Free expression is under threat. So why is a tree-hugging, lefty, feminist media-lawyer-type like me concerned about the left‘s problem with free speech? Should a cisgendered, white, straight, male even be writing about this? Join me, friends, as I take you through what I think political correctness […] Read more