Andrés Manuel López Obrador: A Mexican Donald Trump?

Mexico is set to vote in left-wing populist Andrés Manuel López Obrador in its election on Sunday, who has been likened to Donald Trump by some observers. Mexico’s federal elections, scheduled for July 1, comes at an important moment for the nation. The incumbent Industrial Revolution Party (PRI) are struggling in the polls and are […] Read more

A More Just And Equitable Capitalism Is Possible. Here’s How.

Kim Kelly wrote a history of capitalism in Teen Vogue. Here’s what it got right, what it got wrong, and the progressive role of capitalism in historical development. Kim Kelly has presented a pretty good explainer of capitalism for the uninitiated at Teen Vogue. I wouldn’t be writing this if I didn’t have issues with the piece, but I […] Read more

The Heartless Hypocrisy of the British Government on Medicinal Cannabis

The Home Office continues to refuse a boy suffering epileptic seizures life-saving medicine while conservative elites profit from Cannabis exports. The conservative government and Home Office have refused repeated requests by the mother of a boy suffering from sporadic epileptic fits and autism to get life-saving cannabis oil-based medicine. Billy Caldwell was hospitalised last night in […] Read more

The Immense Cost of The Loss of Media Objectivity

In journalism, there seems to be no room for objectivity, and the media are entering a new era, as they have started to use this in their favour. Emanating from our universities, one idea in particular – more accurately an instance of sleight of hand – sends ripples through how we think of the world […] Read more

Can Humanism Provide Answers to Global Inequities?

  A Time For Reflection This August, the International Humanist and Ethical Union’s conference in New Zealand presents an opportunity to assess the state of humanism in the world, to take stock of the progress the movement has made towards promoting the humanist outlook globally. This meeting is an occasion for reflection, especially by those […] Read more