Have Our Grocery Purchases Been Funding Female Genital Mutilation?

The debate around halal food hasn’t touched on how halal certification might have helped to enable the suffering of thousands of young girls. The halal food market is expected to be worth more than 2 trillion dollars by 2025. What many people do not realise is that a significant amount of that money may end […] Read more

A Critical Examination of Calls for a ’21st-Century Education’

Education reformers often argue the need for ’21st-century education.’ Do their calls for an education revolution stand up to scrutiny? The issue of education reform is ever-present when the topic of education is mentioned. It is often argued that the current school system, and by extension school curricula, are outdated and not fit for the […] Read more

Male Circumcision Violates Human Rights

Male circumcision, widely regarded as harmless, still violates the bodily autonomy of children and carries many medical risks. Ahead of a vote in the Icelandic parliament, a bill to outlaw male circumcision has ignited controversy across Europe, with conservative religious figures – Jewish, Islamic and Christian faith leaders among them – rallying together in common […] Read more

Confronting Superstition in Postcolonial Mozambique

In Mozambique, murders of albinos, bald men, and other superstition-fueled crimes are common. Where do these ritual killings come from? Recently, there have been reported incidents of harmful acts that are connected with traditional beliefs and practices across the region. For instance, some people attacked traders and fishermen for ‘tying the rain’. They alleged that […] Read more

Comparisons Between Female Genital Mutilation and Male Circumcision are False and Dangerous

By: Dr Zuhdi Jasser, Dr Waqas Khan, and Dr Shaaz Mahboob, in partnership with America Matters The comparison between Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and male circumcision on a medical basis is false and endangers women who are subjected to it. Introduction The April 2017 federal indictment of multiple Muslim physicians for the crime of female […] Read more

The Untapped Potential of Psychedelics in Mental Health Treatment

Offering breakthroughs across the board in Mental Health treatment, state-prohibited Psychedelics may yet be of paramount importance. In 2017, mainstream media outlets like the BBC, The Economist, and VICE started taking notice of ‘Micro-dosing’, an emerging practice of consuming small quantities of psychedelics as a part of a regular lifestyle. Not to be conflated with […] Read more

Is Australia’s Literacy Education Failing Its Children?

Despite ever-increasing investment in education, Australia’s literacy rates are not improving and are falling behind those of other nations. Why is this so? The gradual decline in literacy standards in Australian schools has garnered much attention in recent years. Despite standardised testing in the form of NAPLAN as well as ever-increasing sums of money being […] Read more

Muslim-American Femicide and the Intersectional Feminist Enablers

Honor killings of Muslim women in the United States and across the West persist. Is intersectional feminism giving cover to these practices?   “At least international media can see how I am trying to change the typical orthodox mindset of people who don’t want to come out of their shells of false beliefs and old practices.” […] Read more