The Siege of Aleppo Has No Easy Answers

Eighty-two men, women and children shot on the spot. Homes and buildings bombed to smithereens to create a landscape reminiscent of Dresden. Innocents blasted into oblivion by indiscriminate ‘air strikes’ or trapped under tonnes of rubble. Children freezing to death in the Syrian winter cold, their young minds shaped irreparably by the trauma of war. […] Read more

Prophetic Christianity and its ‘Doom-contents’ in Africa

The image of a South African pastor spraying his congregation with a pesticide called Doom during a ‘healing session’ has sparked a wave of outrage and condemnation across the world. This self-proclaimed prophet, Lethebo Rabalago, heads a church called Mount of Zion General Assembly in Limpopo province. A member of his congregation had an eye infection and […] Read more

Interview with Dana L. Morganroth ​- Advisory Board Member and Vice President of CFI-Pittsburgh

Dana L. Morganroth is an advisory Board-Member and Vice President of CFI-Pittsburgh, and a Board-Member and Vice President Sunday Assembly Pittsburgh. What began the interest in critical thinking, science, and scepticism for you? During high school, I was an active member of a Christian youth group that spawned the Willow Creek Community (mega) Church outside […] Read more

Sound the Trumpet

This article is originally featured on the Open Democracy 5050 website Trump offered white voters the illusion they could prosper. We have to offer all our people a way to move forward together and save the planet. In the weeks leading up to Nov. 8, as the election loomed like a cloud about to burst, […] Read more

Donald Trump, You Still Don’t Speak for America. Here’s Why

59,204,408 Americans voted for Hillary Clinton to be their next president. 59,058,307 voted for Donald Trump. 146,101 more Americans voted for Clinton than Trump. So why, then, is Trump scheduled to sit in the Oval Office as the United States’ 45th president come January 20th, 2017? The United States does not select winning candidates based […] Read more

Interview with Rebecca Hale – President of The American Humanist Association

Rebecca Hale was elected president of the American Humanist Association in 2013. She is co-owner of, the popular online store of atheist, humanist, and pro-science merchandise, and co-founder of the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs. Rebecca became a member of the American Humanist Association in 1996 and served as vice president from 2005 to 2012. She is a frequent […] Read more

Cutting The Costs of Crime

By reducing re-offending, the annual criminal justice budget can be shrunk and more money can be made available for schools, hospitals and overseas aid Read more