Trump’s Victory is a Disaster for American Common Sense and Decency

Things weren’t supposed to be this way. Hillary Rodham Clinton looked as if she was treading a sure path to the White House. All major pollsters and newspapers were projecting that America waking up to their first female President-elect was all but inevitable. Trump had simply fought too divisive a campaign to win over enough […] Read more

50 Shades of A-theism: A Compendium of Discrimination Against Atheists

It may seem hyperbolic to describe atheists as an oppressed minority from the standpoint of living in a Western secular liberal democracy. However, from a global perspective, and even in developed countries that purportedly cherish freedom of belief, atheists face endemic and systemic legal and cultural discrimination, even to the point of death based on […] Read more

Interview with Tehmina Kazi

Tehmina Kazi is an activist, writer and author based in Ireland. Tehmina was, until mid 2016, the Director of British Muslims for Secular Democracy (a position she took up in May 2009). British Muslims for Secular Democracy aims to raise awareness within British Muslims and the wider public, of democracy particularly ‘secular democracy’ helping to contribute to […] Read more

An Intolerance of Democracy Has Been Unleashed Post-Brexit

The bigotry a number of Brits have shown towards migrants and ethnic minorities in the weeks since the EU referendum has been truly shocking. People have been shouted at in the street, they’ve been told to leave the country; pro-Brexit cards have been distributed around one community declaring “No more Polish Vermin”; racist graffiti has been […] Read more