A More Just And Equitable Capitalism Is Possible. Here’s How.

Kim Kelly wrote a history of capitalism in Teen Vogue. Here’s what it got right, what it got wrong, and the progressive role of capitalism in historical development. Kim Kelly has presented a pretty good explainer of capitalism for the uninitiated at Teen Vogue. I wouldn’t be writing this if I didn’t have issues with the piece, but I […] Read more

The Unrealised Promise of Ukraine’s Euromaidan

Four years on from Ukraine’s Euromaidan revolution, the country’s reform process is stalled and the promise of the movement remains largely unrealised. November 21 marked four years since the beginning of the Euromaidan revolution in Ukraine. On that day, a protest movement began which would lead to the ousting of Viktor Yanukovych, a pivot towards […] Read more

UK Election Conundrum: So Many Candidates, So Little Choice

British Prime Minister Theresa May dropped a huge bomb a few weeks ago, calling for general elections. Therefore, the next UK election will be held on Thursday 8th June 2017, despite the fact that it wasn’t originally scheduled to take place until 2020. If you’re an ideological liberal like me, then you may find it […] Read more