An Interview with Robert Bwambale – School Director – Kasese Humanist Primary School

[Previously published in Humanist Voices] Robert Bwambale is the founder of the Kasese United Humanist Association (KUHA) with “the goal of promoting Freethought in Uganda.”  The association is affiliated with the extremely active Uganda Humanist Association (UHA). In March, the UHA held a conference in Kampala whose theme was Humanism For a Free and Prosperous […] Read more

Making Humanism Happen in Nigeria: A labour of Love

Though there are still daunting challenges, the prospects of a rational alternative to religion are bright and promising. Humanism is really set to become an effective alternative to religion in Nigeria and the Nigerian Humanist Movement is positioned to midwife this critical process. Read more

Young Humanist Forums

The International Institute for Development Facilitation (IIDF) Trust is a local NGO based in Mutare Zimbabwe. Like most Non Profits in the country, it has followed up the orthodox means of attaining development; capacity building initiatives. Capacity building initiatives imply that the strategy for executing development initiatives emphasises decision making to be centralised on local […] Read more

Interview with Roslyn Mould -​ President of the Humanist Association of Ghana; Chair of the African working group (IHEYO)

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: You grew up as a Catholic. You went to Holy Child School, Cape Coast as well. What is your story as a youth growing up in a religious household? What was the experience? I attended Catholic schools, St. Theresa’s School in Accra from primary, junior high school and in Holy Child School […] Read more