No, Western Culture Did Not Come from Judeo-Christian Values

The West can proudly boast its advocacy of liberal democracy, pluralism, and freedom of expression, and Judeo-Christian values are contrary to those. The argument that Western values are based on Judeo-Christian ideas is quite old. In fact, it is a fashionable form of the good old “morality comes from religion” argument. Perhaps the recent popularity of […] Read more

France: The Inability of a Secular State to Protect Secularists

Despite living in one of the most secular countries worldwide, ex-Muslim secularists in France still face hate speech, death threats, and an idle government. Waleed Al-Husseini founded the Council of Ex-Muslims of France. He escaped the Palestinian Authority after torture and imprisonment in Palestine, fleeing to Jordan and then France. He is an ex-Muslim and […] Read more

Tunisian Atheist Risks Death If Forced to Leave Romania

Tunisian Atheist Nacer Amari, who lives in Romania will be forced to return to Tunisia in April. He fears being killed. Tunisian Atheist Nacer Amari, 41, has lived in Romania since 2011, when the Tunisian revolution shook the country. Amari, a member of the organization Tunisian Freethinkers, received a number of death threats on social […] Read more

Sex Crimes in Sweden – What’s Really Going On?

The recent wave of migrant sex crimes in Sweden has received much international media attention and varying narratives in reports. Where does the truth lie? In the time of the #metoo hashtag where many celebrities globally have come forward in opening up about being victims of sexual harassment and sex crimes, Sweden recently gained attention […] Read more

The Unrealised Promise of Ukraine’s Euromaidan

Four years on from Ukraine’s Euromaidan revolution, the country’s reform process is stalled and the promise of the movement remains largely unrealised. November 21 marked four years since the beginning of the Euromaidan revolution in Ukraine. On that day, a protest movement began which would lead to the ousting of Viktor Yanukovych, a pivot towards […] Read more