Pronouns are Rohypnol

The following article was removed from publication on Medium. We present it unedited for readers to make up their own minds. There’s a lot of chat around about pronouns right now. Specifically, ‘preferred’ pronouns. By which is usually meant, the pronouns a person would prefer other people to use when they are the subject being […] Read more

Terror Tactics Triumph, Silence Freedom of Speech at Bristol University

Angelos Sofocleous, our friend and editor, has been prevented from debating freedom of speech at Bristol University due to ‘security concerns’. The University of Bristol Free Speech Society had invited our friend and editor Angelos Sofocleous to a panel discussing free speech. The first question they intended to ask was “is there a problem with […] Read more

Why Variety is a Basic and Necessary Component of a Functional Society

Aaron Gleason presents his case on why the way to escape ridiculous culture warring is a multifaceted society which is characterized by genuine tolerance. I recently came across an older article critiquing the Trumpian Right’s “affirmative action” for conservatives. Much of that article was laudable, and I recommend reading it. But there ιs a fundamental […] Read more

The Intellectual Dark Web: A Prelude to the Future of Dialogue

It is vital we create cultural conditions in which it is possible to conduct real conversations in the unprecedented context of massive online viewerships. The breakdown of democratic values is, today, lamented most vocally amongst those who trade in moralism and fight devoutly from the trenches of the culture wars. Yet, willingness to do the […] Read more

The Weakness of Free Speech Warriors

Free speech warriors should stop whining, get up, and do something useful to counter censorship. This idea of free speech warrior weakness is a strange idea for me to be playing with, maybe even dangerous, since I fear that I’m edging ever closer to hypocrisy. But with the last few days’ news of Gavin McInnes […] Read more