The Deep Roots of the Illiberal Left

Illiberal attitudes toward free speech and expression have been a feature among sections of the Left going as far back as Marx and Engels. “Hate speech!” is a battle cry we’re all too familiar with by now, and “deplatforming”—the disinvitation of controversial speakers—has become common practice on progressive campuses. A reversal of the Voltairean pledge, […] Read more

Is a Borderless World Viable?

A world less constrained by borders is not just a pipedream but a viable reality the world should strive for, argues Vladan Lausevic. Is it possible for humanity to live in a borderless world? The answer is yes, partly because we, to a degree, are already living in such a world. To answer the question […] Read more

21 Lessons For The 21st Century: An Ominous Warning For The Future Of Liberal Democracies

Yuval Noah Harari’s “21 Lessons For The 21st Century” argues that the continued dominance of liberal democratic politics cannot be taken for granted. Recent debates about liberalism do not sound very promising. Historically, there have been periods of liberal ideas being on retreat and enjoying less support, such as during the 1930s. However, the main […] Read more

Why We Must Guarantee the Right to Live Freely

Lately, there has been some talk of a greater collaboration between progressives of various stripes from around the world. I wholeheartedly agree that more cooperation is necessary to fight back against reactionary forces across the globe. Nevertheless, there is often such a wide disparity of beliefs that it is hard to imagine more than the […] Read more