Thoughts after the Westminster Bridge Terror Attack

I come out of the northern line and walk out of the station. It’s a normal afternoon and I’m meeting a friend after work. As I make my way down the street and towards the bridge, I hear what sounds like a thud. Then I hear screaming, and then three shots. It’s happening on the […] Read more

Making Humanism Happen in Nigeria: A labour of Love

Though there are still daunting challenges, the prospects of a rational alternative to religion are bright and promising. Humanism is really set to become an effective alternative to religion in Nigeria and the Nigerian Humanist Movement is positioned to midwife this critical process. Read more

Humanism: Realising and Resisting Change in Africa

In 1994, a student gave me a book, and one of the lines in the book read, “If you want to change the society, start a movement”. I did not understand the full importance of this statement but the insight struck me and stuck with me, and never left me since then. In 1996, I […] Read more