Making Humanism Happen in Nigeria: A labour of Love

Though there are still daunting challenges, the prospects of a rational alternative to religion are bright and promising. Humanism is really set to become an effective alternative to religion in Nigeria and the Nigerian Humanist Movement is positioned to midwife this critical process. Read more

‘It’s just porn’: Coming to terms with a sexually corrosive culture

Robert Jensen is a professor in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin. This essay is drawn from his book The End of Patriarchy: Radical Feminism for Men, published in January 2017 by Spinifex Press. He can be reached at or through his website, Although the most compelling critiques […] Read more

Is Western Civilisation Worth Saving?

Perhaps the defining feature of political discourse in the 21st century is the spectre of the decline and possible pending fall of Western civilisation. Whether it be the purported threat of Islamisation by a million migrants, the stirring of the red dragon, the supposed erosion of Judeo-Christian values, the proliferation of nihilistic consumerism, or the […] Read more

Why We Should Consider Giving Everyone Free Money

How would it sound if your government paid everyone in your country a basic income every month, on top of their salary, to spend in any way they like, without any criteria, conditions or requirements? This is the very promising idea of Universal Basic Income (UBI), which is being tested by various countries at the […] Read more

Linda Sarsour is a Disgrace ​to Feminism

Sarsour’s statements are an affront to women and men around the world who fight an uphill battle to escape and fight against misogynistic laws. The praise and support that Sarsour has received makes it appear that American feminists are not particularly concerned about the wellbeing of their sisters in far-off lands. Read more

The Populism of the Women’s March in the US

In light of Donald Trump’s controversial inauguration as 45th president of the US, women recently organised themselves into a series of marches in order to show their power and political will. As many of us feminists know, institutionalised sexism, patriarchy, warmongering, racism and class division have finally come to the fore and have become far […] Read more

Humanism: Realising and Resisting Change in Africa

In 1994, a student gave me a book, and one of the lines in the book read, “If you want to change the society, start a movement”. I did not understand the full importance of this statement but the insight struck me and stuck with me, and never left me since then. In 1996, I […] Read more

Kept in the Dark: Immigration detention in the UK

Dev* stood in front of his PowerPoint slideshow in a glass-walled room in the Warwick Oculus building and recalled his first 3 months in the UK for his audience. He had volunteered to hold a discussion on immigration detention for Warwick Amnesty before their trip to Campsfield Detention Centre.  A once-hopeful asylum-seeker emerging from difficult […] Read more