Catholic Integrity Relies on the Rejection of Mother Teresa

Outwardly, the doting “mother” doing Christ’s work on Earth makes it easy to fall in love with the legend of a woman who founded the ‘Missionary of Charities’, which has mustered up to 4500 Sisters in 133 countries. At first glance, this may seem somewhat in line with the Catholic Church’s edicts on the poor and […] Read more

The Evils of Sexual Oppression Forced Upon Women

Written by Sonia Joseph My own story starts in a Catholic boarding school in Madras, Chennai in the south of India. At the vain age of 16, I left the USA to go to this boarding school, and I was wired and insufferable to everyone around me. I was elated to be going back to […] Read more

Stopping Olukoya and Witch hunting in UK Black Communities

Witchcraft related abuse is a very serious problem in African migrant communities in the UK. There is documented evidence that these abuses are linked to activities of African pastors and churches. Unfortunately efforts to address this problem are bogged down by concerns over racism, minority rights and abuse of religious liberty. Vulnerable members of the […] Read more

The Twofold Wrongheadedness Of The Burkini Row

“The burkini is like a uniform, a symbol of Islamist extremism.” These were the words of David Lisnard, the Mayor of Cannes, explaining why he was banning the use of ‘burkinis’ on beaches in his city – a city just a few miles away from Nice, which last month was the target of an Islamist […] Read more

No Compulsion in Religion?

Canadian blogger Abdullah Sameer posted a video on Facebook last Thursday that picked up around 70,000 views in less than 24 hours. The topic was bound to attract attention; Sameer’s video was a video diary on why he had made the decision to leave Islam.​ Sporting a large and characteristic South Asian beard, Sameer looked […] Read more

The Evils of Rampant Religious Privilege

Criticisms of the Catholic Church, Islamist violence and religious intolerance are chiefly and sometimes exclusively championed by people well-known for their anti-religious sentiment. Rather than disparaging religion, it is more respectable to lack any strong beliefs, but also treat religious ideas delicately. However, a whiff of religiosity seems to protect the interests of sinister groups […] Read more