Interview with ​Kate Smurthwaite

Kate Smurthwaite is a British stand-up comedian, a human-rights activist, political activist.and a feminist. She regularly appears on British television and radio as a pundit, offering opinion and comment on subjects ranging from politics to religion. Scott Douglas Jacobsen: How did you become an activist, comedian, and feminist? Well I became a comedian by doing a number of courses on writing and […] Read more

Extended Interview with Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is an Iranian-born secularist and human rights activist, commentator and broadcaster. She is spokesperson for Iran Solidarity, One Law for All and the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain. How did you get involved in activism? I became an activist as a result of my own life experiences after an Islamic regime took power in Iran. We fled the country. […] Read more

The Vilification of Ex-Muslims and Islamic Reformers

Those fighting for Islamic reform are some of the bravest, courageous and most important people alive today. We owe them our support. When Martin Luther sent his Ninety-Five Thesis to the Archbishop of Mainz, a document which attacked the cynical selling of indulgences by priests to faithful church-goers, on October 31st 1517, he likely had […] Read more

Bloggers in Bangladesh Are Being Attacked, Imprisoned or Executed

For a country founded after an 8-month war, which led to the death about 3 million people, one would expect that the Bangladeshi people would learn from their mistakes. That is, they would eventually change their stance on internal disputes. However, the reality is different. Political and religious violence in the country continued to the […] Read more

An Interview with Dr. Stephen Law

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: How did you become an activist and a philosopher? I have always been very interested in philosophical questions – such as: How can I know other people have minds? Why is there something rather than nothing? What makes things morally right or wrong? However, I was unaware that there was actually a […] Read more

Interview – Professor Jim Al-Khalili, on Science and Humanism

Professor Jameel Sadik “Jim” Al-Khalili OBE is a British theoretical physicist, author and broadcaster. He is currently Professor of Theoretical Physics and Chair in the Public Engagement in Science at the University of Surrey. In this interview, he speaks with Scott Jacobsen about what has driven him to pursue this career, his socially progressive outlook, […] Read more

Interview with ​Terry Sanderson – President, National Secular Society

Terry Sanderson, the President of the National Secular Society –  a British campaigning organisation that promotes secularism and separation of Church and State. Scott Douglas Jacobsen: How’d you become an activist? I became an activist entirely by circumstance, by accident even. My recently published autobiography The Adventures of a Happy Homosexual is subtitled Memoirs of […] Read more