David Niose is an author and attorney who has served as president of the Washington-based humanist advocacy group, the American Humanist Association (AHA)
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Dr. Stephen Law and Scott Douglas Jacobsen write on the charge of 'Scientism!'. 'Scientism!' is often charged at those claiming science can investigate claims of the supernatural or God. However, science is, in fact, capable of investigating the supernatural.
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Caste discrimination is the latest area where misplaced sensitivity could allow deference to religion to trump social justice, argues Stephen Evans
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“You don’t need to take those, you know,” my doctor friend says disapprovingly over his glasses as I take a vitamin C tablet. “It’s all bullshit.” I roll my eyes. “It’s vitamin C, not homeopathy.” “Unless you are an 18th century sailor, the chances of that stuff actually doing you any good are slim. Your […]
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It’s been a couple of days since Canada passed M103, the non-binding motion in Parliament condemning Islamophobia and other forms of systemic racism. On right and left wing outlets alike, the motion has attracted a lot of coverage and opinions, and unleashed protests, counter-protests, demonstrations and online petitions. While liberal commentators have restricted themselves to […]
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I’m listening to Women’s Hour, half-ironically. The usual suspects are having a debate about something to do with legs and politicians, and it’s so ridiculous I actually have to pay attention. I pause, wondering if I’ve been taken in by a satire program. Nope. The Daily Mail really did run a story on the legs […]
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Another day, another airstrike and a mounting death toll in the Middle East. Civilians considered acceptable "collateral damage" is worryingly increasing.
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Usually, identity politics makes me roll my eyes. The idea that a certain amount of empathy or understanding on an issue is absolutely split due to melanin levels, economics, sexuality and religion is beyond daft. The person who empathised with my experience of homophobia most was by far a straight middle-aged man. I strongly believe […]
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Erdogan has slammed 'fascist and cruel' Europe and says Turkey may review ties after powers referendum. The EU-Turkey relationship is getting complicated.
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