Interview with ​Kate Smurthwaite

Kate Smurthwaite is a British stand-up comedian, a human-rights activist, political activist.and a feminist. She regularly appears on British television and radio as a pundit, offering opinion and comment on subjects ranging from politics to religion. Scott Douglas Jacobsen: How did you become an activist, comedian, and feminist? Well I became a comedian by doing a number of courses on writing and […] Read more

Extended Interview with Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is an Iranian-born secularist and human rights activist, commentator and broadcaster. She is spokesperson for Iran Solidarity, One Law for All and the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain. How did you get involved in activism? I became an activist as a result of my own life experiences after an Islamic regime took power in Iran. We fled the country. […] Read more

Interview with James Underdown – Executive Director of Center for Inquiry-Los Angeles & Founder & Chairman of the Independent Investigations Group

James Underdown has been the executive director of The Center for Inquiry (CFI) Los Angeles since 1999. The Center for Inquiry is a non-profit educational organisation with headquarters in Amherst, NY, whose primary mission is to foster a secular society based on science, reason, freedom of inquiry, and humanist values. CFI Los Angeles is the largest branch in the organisation outside […] Read more

The Hidden Complexities of the Iran Chess Tournament Boycott

[Co-authored with Scott Jacobsen] Swedish chess players and the US Champion, Nazi Paikidze, have been outspoken about their refusal to wear the hijab in Tehran, Iran for the Women’s World Chess Championship. At the moment, many of the more pertinent arguments are centered around what benefits Iranian women. This makes sense, considering the restrictive dress […] Read more

Interview with Eric Adriaans – Ex-National Executive Director of Center for Inquiry Canada

Eric Adriaans is the former National Executive Director of the Center for Inquiry Canada (CFI Canada). Eric is also a charitable sector leader, student in Athabasca University’s post-baccalaureate diploma program in Legislative Drafting and Fanshawe College’s Logistics and Supply Chain management program, and writer. Adriaans is extremely interested in Parliamentary e-petition 382, which is opposition […] Read more

Interview – ​Pat O’Brien on Humanism in Canada and British Columbia

Pat O’Brien is a Canadian atheist, an activist, and ex-president of Humanist Canada and the British Columbia Humanist Association. The interview was conducted by Scott Jacobsen, of In-Sight Publishing. The interview has been edited for clarity and readability. Scott Douglas Jacobsen: In terms of geography, culture, and language, where does your family background reside O’Brien: Vancouver B.C. […] Read more

The Vilification of Ex-Muslims and Islamic Reformers

Those fighting for Islamic reform are some of the bravest, courageous and most important people alive today. We owe them our support. When Martin Luther sent his Ninety-Five Thesis to the Archbishop of Mainz, a document which attacked the cynical selling of indulgences by priests to faithful church-goers, on October 31st 1517, he likely had […] Read more

We Should be Worried about ​Theresa May’s Conference Speech

Almost everything in Theresa May’s conference speech deserves condemnation. It was a populist pitch to xenophobia and a call to ignore economic reality and charge headlong into the disaster that will be Hard Brexit. The Prime Minister has turned the Conservative Party into a slicker, less comedic, and much more dangerous UKIP. Alongside the frightening […] Read more