Jaleh Tavakoli faces continued threats from Danish Social Supervising Authority to take away her foster child due to her social media presence.
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Why are police intervening to tell the public what we are permitted to think while those paid to influence the police threaten women with impunity?
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Women in power are seen as representing all women and are criticized for their actions as such. It's time women are treated as humans, not just as women.
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People who do not believe in God are the oldest and most persecuted minority in the world and still face great struggles in coming out. Atheists marked an international atheist day on March 23. This date has been set aside to highlight the struggles of atheists worldwide. People who do not believe in God are […]
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After surviving an attempted rape by a Muay Thai trainer who worked in the gym where she trained, Emma Thomas fights to end sexual assault in the sport.
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JP Conte shares his dreams and fears for the US and the world. "We need a system for dealing with all these people who are displaced over the next century."
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With reality mining becoming the livelihood of tech giants, the terms of service and conditions agreement is becoming the digital version of our Social Contract.
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Dr. Caleb W. Lack, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist, an Associate Professor of Psychology, and the Director of the Secular Therapist Project.
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