After Charlottesville: When Will the United States Transcend White Supremacy?

Now that the violence in Charlottesville has forced “white supremacy” once again into our political vocabulary, let’s ask an uncomfortable question: “When will the United States transcend white supremacy?” My question isn’t, “What should we do about the overt white supremacists who, emboldened by Trump’s success, have pushed their way back into mainstream politics?” I […] Read more

So, Why Do We Pander to the Beauty Industry Again?

High Heels, Low Status As a feminist who argues that beauty practices are harmful to women’s equality, I have been accused of being a killjoy who spoils the fun women get from crippling shoes, depilation, revealing clothing, makeup, figure-hugging dresses and short skirts. But the wearing of high heels, for instance, is not just a […] Read more

Do Europeans Need to Relearn the Necessity of Violence?

Author: Stewart Bova is a Virginia Commonwealth University graduate with a degree in History currently training for the Navy.  “War is not an independent phenomenon, but the continuation of politics by different means.” – Carl Von Clausewitz There is a an open and continuous threat of violence, to whatever degree, which, if carried out, could, and […] Read more

Trump, Corbyn, and the Trouble with Condemning ‘Both Sides’

Donald Trump’s equal condemnation of violence on ‘both sides’ following the protests in Charlottesville  highlight the inadequacy of such denunciation. Similar considerations apply to Jeremy Corbyn, who generically condemned ‘violence’ by ‘both sides’ in Venezuela, failing to distinguish between the government and opposition. If there is an asymmetry in wrongdoing, power, or the wrongness of […] Read more