Angelos Sofocleous: Free Speech, Political Correctness, and Academia

Scott Jacobsen speaks to Conatus News editor Angelos Sofocleous about free speech and political correctness in academia and society. Scott Douglas Jacobsen: Angelos, you got in trouble, recently. It was over a phrase tweeted from an article, an article included in the controversy as well. You, due to the created circumstances, resigned as the president-elect […] Read more

Fetishising the Causes of Youth

Fear of alienating the next generation of voters and consumers has led to a problem, particularly within liberal circles, of fetishising youth and mindlessly championing their favoured causes. Looking around at the rapt faces I found myself shifting uncomfortably in my seat, like a non-believer at an evangelist meeting. This was a large conference of socially […] Read more

Aasia Bibi’s Asylum Limbo

The precarious situation Aasia Bibi finds herself in reflects an abject failure on the part of Pakistan’s authorities to ensure her safety. Conversations concerning the state of the Persecuted Church and various publications specialising in this field was always accessible to me. Growing up in a household where the decision had been made to leave […] Read more

It’s Time Women Stop Having to Pay the Cost of Prostitution

The social implications of prostitution are clear, but men, without whom prostitution would not exist, are invisible and erased from the equation. It beggars belief that an offence which resulted in a £100 fine more than twenty years ago could still seriously harm a woman’s career. Yet, many women who were coerced into prostitution below […] Read more

British Schools Need More Than ‘Little Extras’, Philip Hammond

By Katie Barker The Chancellor of the Exchequer has announced a £400 million extra funding for schools to purchase those ‘little extras’. But, is this what schools need? The Chancellor of the Exchequer’s recent budget announcement of £400 million of extra funding for schools was remarkable in the way in which it united, in anger, […] Read more