“Smash Sh*t Up, It Works” – Lib Dem and Stonewall Advisor Sarah Brown

Lib Dem and Stonewall advisor Sarah Brown has publicly called for violence against people “trying to […] eradicate us from the public realm”. Sarah Brown, formerly an elected Councillor for the Liberal Democrats and currently on Stonewall’s Trans Advisory Group, has publicly declared that violence is acceptable against “people who have outright stated they want […] Read more

Liberal Democrats: Feminists, Your Views Are Not Welcome

For LGBT history month, the Liberal Democrats have put out an extraordinary statement confirming their commitment to the extreme wing of gender identity. The party which took in Aimee Challenor after the Greens decided to investigate their actions have doubled down on embracing the pseudoscience which has caused so many to ignore the erosion of […] Read more

Fetishising the Causes of Youth

Fear of alienating the next generation of voters and consumers has led to a problem, particularly within liberal circles, of fetishising youth and mindlessly championing their favoured causes. Looking around at the rapt faces I found myself shifting uncomfortably in my seat, like a non-believer at an evangelist meeting. This was a large conference of socially […] Read more

Now is the Time – Britain Must Stand Against Saudi Arabia

By Stephen Hawkins What kind of line must Saudi Arabia cross before Britain stops defending the regime and starts politically and economically isolating the state? There is a number of approaches when one poses the question of how Britain can deal with a state that consistently and persistently violates human rights, follows a fundamentally Islamist agenda, and […] Read more

The Illiberal Attack on Tim Farron

Tim Farron, the leader of the Liberal Democrats, recently sparked much disappointment and anger from liberals by declining to say whether he believes gay sex to be a sin.  This question had been directed at him several times because he is known to be a devout Christian. Although Farron confirmed he did not think it is […] Read more