Uncommon Ground Contributor Helen Pluckrose

Helen is a humanist, secularist and universal liberal. Her academic writing focuses on late medieval & early modern religious writing by and for women.

Articles by Helen Pluckrose:

The Academic Roots of Post-Truth Society

(This is an expanded version of an opening statement given by Helen Pluckrose on the 28th October 2017 at the Battle of Ideas festival hosted by The Institute of Ideas and supported by Conatus News). Postmodernism bears significant responsibility for the post-truth society, perhaps even more than we realise. Post-truth is not simply lying. It’s […] Read more

The Western-Centric Nature of Intersectional Feminism

Intersectional feminists fail Muslim women by valorising difference over shared humanity and overlooking or excusing abuse from their own communities. Many critics of intersectional feminism have accused its activists of not caring about the welfare of Muslim women. This is not straightforwardly true but it is easy to see why they get this impression. In […] Read more

The Illiberal Attack on Tim Farron

Tim Farron, the leader of the Liberal Democrats, recently sparked much disappointment and anger from liberals by declining to say whether he believes gay sex to be a sin.  This question had been directed at him several times because he is known to be a devout Christian. Although Farron confirmed he did not think it is […] Read more