We Must Support Britain’s Secular Muslims

Secular Muslims like Sajid Javid in prominent government posts are victories for the battle of hearts and minds. In tough times for Muslims in public life, a cohort of secular Britons hailing from Muslim communities are challenging assumptions and extremism on all sides. This week, as a result of the Home Office scandal on the treatment […] Read more

Neoliberalism and Government Intervention with Brendan O’Neill

In part two of this interview for Conatus News, Brendan O’Neill speaks to Brian Graham about neoliberalism, Thatcher and government intervention. This is the second interview in a three-part series with Spiked Magazine editor Brendan O’Neill. The first part of the interview can be read here. An audio version is available at the bottom of […] Read more

Marxism, Brexit and Spiked Magazine with Brendan O’Neill

Brendan O’Neill, editor of Spiked Magaizne, speaks to Brian Graham for Conatus News about the origins of Spiked, Brexit, Marxism, perceptions of Russia in the West and more. This is part 1 of a 3-part interview. An audio version of this text is available at the end of the article. Brian Graham: I thought it might be […] Read more

Q&A on Philosophy with Dr Stephen Law – Session 3

In Part Three of this Q&A with Conatus News, Dr Stephen Law discusses authoritarian philosophies, epistemology and education. Part 1 Part 2 Dr Stephen Law is Reader in Philosophy at Heythrop College, University of London. He is also the editor of THINK: Philosophy for Everyone, a journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy (published by Cambridge […] Read more

The Academic Roots of Post-Truth Society

(This is an expanded version of an opening statement given by Helen Pluckrose on the 28th October 2017 at the Battle of Ideas festival hosted by The Institute of Ideas and supported by Conatus News). Postmodernism bears significant responsibility for the post-truth society, perhaps even more than we realise. Post-truth is not simply lying. It’s […] Read more