Terror Tactics Triumph, Silence Freedom of Speech at Bristol University

Angelos Sofocleous, our friend and editor, has been prevented from debating freedom of speech at Bristol University due to ‘security concerns’. The University of Bristol Free Speech Society had invited our friend and editor Angelos Sofocleous to a panel discussing free speech. The first question they intended to ask was “is there a problem with […] Read more

British Schools Need More Than ‘Little Extras’, Philip Hammond

By Katie Barker The Chancellor of the Exchequer has announced a £400 million extra funding for schools to purchase those ‘little extras’. But, is this what schools need? The Chancellor of the Exchequer’s recent budget announcement of £400 million of extra funding for schools was remarkable in the way in which it united, in anger, […] Read more

The Bad Medicine of Transgenderism – Repeating Errors of the Past

In 1536 a 22-year-old medical student stole a body from the gallows.  It was illegal, but his scientific curiosity prevailed.  Andreas Vesalius would go on to change understanding of anatomy with his seminal work, De Humani Corporis Fabrica (On the Fabric of the Human Body).  This was not what he set out to do, however.  […] Read more

The Academic Roots of Post-Truth Society

(This is an expanded version of an opening statement given by Helen Pluckrose on the 28th October 2017 at the Battle of Ideas festival hosted by The Institute of Ideas and supported by Conatus News). Postmodernism bears significant responsibility for the post-truth society, perhaps even more than we realise. Post-truth is not simply lying. It’s […] Read more