The Poverty of ‘Identity’

It is hard to overstate the impact of identity politics. The “new culture wars”, have engulfed social media and university campuses and the anti-globalisation tide continues to rise. Left and right have seen the development of hard-line identitarian wings, whilst the themes of intersectionality, community, and nationality have entered mainstream politics. Identitarianism is a rejection […] Read more

No Compulsion in Religion?

Canadian blogger Abdullah Sameer posted a video on Facebook last Thursday that picked up around 70,000 views in less than 24 hours. The topic was bound to attract attention; Sameer’s video was a video diary on why he had made the decision to leave Islam.​ Sporting a large and characteristic South Asian beard, Sameer looked […] Read more

Political Correctness is Bad: Discuss

2016. Trump is rising. Right-wing parties loom across Europe. Free expression is under threat. So why is a tree-hugging, lefty, feminist media-lawyer-type like me concerned about the left‘s problem with free speech? Should a cisgendered, white, straight, male even be writing about this? Join me, friends, as I take you through what I think political correctness […] Read more