Am I a Radical? Identity Problems in the Electric Generation

I’m 18 and in the car chatting to my mother, and she’s unusually quiet. She’s probably not listening to me as I’ve spent the last half an hour raving about my new friend Haleema’s coursework. She pulls into the drive and stares ahead, silent. “Maddie, I need to ask you something.” “I’m not pregnant, don’t […] Read more

Why Elitism is the Enemy of Discourse

I get that speaking to students, young people and the uninformed is boring. But they are the people who will really get this country addressing the issues you care about. A few years ago, I just started to wake up to the problems within Islamism and cultural relativism. This left me in a rather awkward […] Read more

Change Your Mind: It’s Good For You

I’m a strong believer in sticking to your principles. If your gut feeling is that something is wrong, don’t do it. Similarly, if it conflicts with your ethics, don’t feel you have to shift with popular opinion. However, being strident in the face of overwhelming evidence or outrage is as bizarre as it is dangerous. […] Read more