The Western-Centric Nature of Intersectional Feminism

Intersectional feminists fail Muslim women by valorising difference over shared humanity and overlooking or excusing abuse from their own communities. Many critics of intersectional feminism have accused its activists of not caring about the welfare of Muslim women. This is not straightforwardly true but it is easy to see why they get this impression. In […] Read more

Liberty, Equality and Security – They Must Stand Together or Fall

Benjamin Franklin said “those that would sacrifice essential liberty for a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security.” John Adams echoes that “Those who trade liberty for security have neither.” Many today consider that liberty is a necessary trade off for security. I would go further, and argue that the supposed conflicts between liberty, […] Read more

“Interpretation!” Is Not an Acceptable Reply to Criticism of Religious Texts

Religion, its role in society, its importance and the liberties it is accorded are in the news again. Particularly when it comes to matters of social equality, the argument that a given religion or ideology is fundamentally skewed against socio-cultural progress meets with swift denial and the insistence that religious import depends on interpretation. This is not an indirect attack […] Read more

Reproductive Health is a Human Right and is Under Attack

Co-authored with Scott Jacobsen The Global Gag rule, first introduced by Ronald Reagan in 1984, purportedly appeals to the value of human life when implementing laws regarding health care issues. The main course of action instigated by the Global Gag rule is defunding health care clinics around the world, restriction options for reproductive health care […] Read more