Families of Yemeni Baha’is Await Their Release After UN Resolution

The United Nations has passed a resolution demanding the release of Yemeni Baha’is imprisoned for their faith. But their families have yet to hear good news.  On September 29th, the United Nations Human Rights Council endorsed a resolution demanding that Yemen’s government release the seven Baha’is imprisoned for their faith. The resolution, titled “Human Rights, […] Read more

Blade Runner And What It Means To Be Human

In ‘Blade Runner’ an iconic movie about androids without empathy, the storytellers urge the audience to discover what it is that makes us human. There is obvious potential for Blade Runner 2049 to be botched. The ‘many years later’ sequel/prequel/remake doesn’t exactly have the best record (some being rehashes, others confused, and others just bad). […] Read more

Why the West Should Support an Independent Kurdistan

An independent Kurdistan would create a secular, pluralistic ally, and be a humanistic victory in protecting the rights of the Kurdish people Following the liberation of Mosul from the Islamic State (ISIS) in July, the push for independence once again surged in Iraqi Kurdistan. Shortly after the liberation of Mosul, Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) President […] Read more