An Interview with Narendra Nayak – President of Federation of Indian Rationalist Associations & Founder of Aid Without Religion

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: You are one of the more famous unknowns. Your name should be more internationally recognised, I feel. You have done plenty of work in the sceptic movement and for reason. Your father bought a lottery ticket on the advice of an astrologer. This was a turning point for you. Why? What other […] Read more

Q&A on Atheism, Women’s Rights, and Human Rights with Marie Alena Castle – Session 1

Marie Alena Castle is the communications director for Atheists for Human Rights. She was raised Roman Catholic, but became an atheist. She has been important to atheism, Minnesota Atheists, The Moral Atheist, National Organization of Women, and wrote Culture Wars: The Threat to Your Family and Your Freedom (2013). She has a lifetime of activist experience, which I wanted to explore and crystallise in an educational series. Here are the results. Read more