Am I a Radical? Identity Problems in the Electric Generation

I’m 18 and in the car chatting to my mother, and she’s unusually quiet. She’s probably not listening to me as I’ve spent the last half an hour raving about my new friend Haleema’s coursework. She pulls into the drive and stares ahead, silent. “Maddie, I need to ask you something.” “I’m not pregnant, don’t […] Read more

Anti-Islamophobia Motion: Progressive and Helpful? Or Not So Much?

It’s been a couple of days since Canada passed M103, the non-binding motion in Parliament condemning Islamophobia and other forms of systemic racism. On right and left wing outlets alike, the motion has attracted a lot of coverage and opinions, and unleashed protests, counter-protests, demonstrations and online petitions. While liberal commentators have restricted themselves to […] Read more

‘Blasphemy’: Increased Attacks on Freethinkers

On 16 March, ex-Muslim atheist H Farook, a father of two, was hacked to death in India. He was known to the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) Sri Lanka affiliate organisation and was killed for his views. Several men have been arrested for his murder. In Pakistan, Ayaz Nizami and Rana Noman were arrested by the government […] Read more

Thoughts after the Westminster Bridge Terror Attack

I come out of the northern line and walk out of the station. It’s a normal afternoon and I’m meeting a friend after work. As I make my way down the street and towards the bridge, I hear what sounds like a thud. Then I hear screaming, and then three shots. It’s happening on the […] Read more