Who’s Afraid of the Bedfellow Wolf? – A Response to Quillette

Watch or read as Dan Fisher lays out the case against a Quillette article arguing that radical feminists are as bad as extremist transactivists. If the above embedded video is not available on your browser, you can access the video here. On January 2nd, Quillette published an article warning against ‘centrist liberals’ teaming up with […] Read more

It’s Time Women Stop Having to Pay the Cost of Prostitution

The social implications of prostitution are clear, but men, without whom prostitution would not exist, are invisible and erased from the equation. It beggars belief that an offence which resulted in a £100 fine more than twenty years ago could still seriously harm a woman’s career. Yet, many women who were coerced into prostitution below […] Read more

The Bad Medicine of Transgenderism – Repeating Errors of the Past

In 1536 a 22-year-old medical student stole a body from the gallows.  It was illegal, but his scientific curiosity prevailed.  Andreas Vesalius would go on to change understanding of anatomy with his seminal work, De Humani Corporis Fabrica (On the Fabric of the Human Body).  This was not what he set out to do, however.  […] Read more