Drag Queen Story Time – Straight-Up Virtue-Signalling

If you go down to the library today you could be in for a big surprise. It might have passed you by, but for the past two years councils across the UK have been inviting drag performers to read stories to pre-school age children. To date there have been 50, reaching 8,000 kids. The stated aim […] Read more

Who’s Afraid of the Bedfellow Wolf? – A Response to Quillette

Watch or read as Dan Fisher lays out the case against a Quillette article arguing that radical feminists are as bad as extremist transactivists. If the above embedded video is not available on your browser, you can access the video here. On January 2nd, Quillette published an article warning against ‘centrist liberals’ teaming up with […] Read more

Developing 21st Century Institutions for a Transnational World

In order for nations to solve contemporary problems such as migration and immigration, our institutions need to update themselves for the 21st century. Since 2015 and the refugee crisis aftermath there has been much debate about citizenship in Europe. In Sweden, a solution for integrating newcomers has included different proposals relating to citizenship tests. Regardless, […] Read more

Does Africa Need a Religious Reformation?

While Africa is rapidly changing and progressing in many ways, Christian and Islamic fundamentalism hold the continent and its people back. Africa’s religious landscape is changing very rapidly, in various ways. These changes include the introduction of new religions and adjustments in the modes of worship as well as the personalities that are revered. Transformations […] Read more