Dropping Bombs, Even Big Ones, Doesn’t Make Us the ‘Bad Guys’.

Recently, the American air force deployed one of its most powerful weapons against IS militants in Afghanistan. It has the greatest payload of any conventional bomb ever used in warfare. Some have argued in response to such a monumental display of power and destructive capability that we have only ourselves to blame for the anti-western […] Read more

An Interview with Jim G. Helton – President of Tri-State Freethinkers

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: So many terms float around the Web, but they’re generally overlapping, such as secular humanist, bright, and so on. For the Tri-State Freethinkers, what is the definition of a freethinker? Basically, somebody who makes decisions using science, logic, and reason without dogma. How did you become a freethinker? It started with my […] Read more

An Interview with Mikey Weinstein – Founder & President, Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF)

Mikey Weinstein is the Founder & President of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation. Not only that, Weinstein is, arguably, the founder of the fight against the Evangelical intrusion into the military system. an intrusion which has breached the separation of church and state. Mikey is on the front-lines. He tells the what, the how, and the why in this interview with Scott. Read more

An Interview with Tyler Owen, President of Tri-State Humanists

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: What’s the short story regarding your coming into humanism? I’ve found that many Humanists come from a Christian background, and I’m no exception. I was raised as a conservative Christian in middle-America, but even as a child I found that my church seemed more interested in self-aggrandising and sermonising than in applying […] Read more