The Intellectual Dark Web: A Prelude to the Future of Dialogue

It is vital we create cultural conditions in which it is possible to conduct real conversations in the unprecedented context of massive online viewerships. The breakdown of democratic values is, today, lamented most vocally amongst those who trade in moralism and fight devoutly from the trenches of the culture wars. Yet, willingness to do the […] Read more

Trump’s Corporate Tax Cuts: A Missed Opportunity To Unite Voters

Trump’s corporate tax reform – arguably the most important provision in what is colloquially known as the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, was in retrospect very badly marketed. Intuitively, it seems highly likely that the package of corporate tax cuts alienated Trump’s supporters and thus, in turn, contributed to Republicans’ midterm losses in November. […] Read more

The Weakness of Free Speech Warriors

Free speech warriors should stop whining, get up, and do something useful to counter censorship. This idea of free speech warrior weakness is a strange idea for me to be playing with, maybe even dangerous, since I fear that I’m edging ever closer to hypocrisy. But with the last few days’ news of Gavin McInnes […] Read more

The Blind Spot of Race: Are the Japanese Racially Privileged?

By Shozo Kamiya Considerations on the racial privileges of the Japanese shed light on the blind spot of the anti-racist literature with highly revolutionary implications. In recent literature concerning racism, the concept of “racial privilege” is increasingly adopted as an effective tool to analyse problematic social phenomena related to racism. Whilst It can certainly be […] Read more