After Charlottesville: When Will the United States Transcend White Supremacy?

Now that the violence in Charlottesville has forced “white supremacy” once again into our political vocabulary, let’s ask an uncomfortable question: “When will the United States transcend white supremacy?” My question isn’t, “What should we do about the overt white supremacists who, emboldened by Trump’s success, have pushed their way back into mainstream politics?” I […] Read more

Trump, Corbyn, and the Trouble with Condemning ‘Both Sides’

Donald Trump’s equal condemnation of violence on ‘both sides’ following the protests in Charlottesville  highlight the inadequacy of such denunciation. Similar considerations apply to Jeremy Corbyn, who generically condemned ‘violence’ by ‘both sides’ in Venezuela, failing to distinguish between the government and opposition. If there is an asymmetry in wrongdoing, power, or the wrongness of […] Read more

2017: Post-Truth, Post-Intolerance, Post-Understanding

As predicted, 2017 hasn’t started with a wave of tolerance and understanding. Facebook’s Live feature gained unwanted attention in a viral video of apparently drugged-up black youngsters in Chicago tormenting a white teenager with learning difficulties. They shouted “Fuck Donald Trump” and “Fuck White People”. While the Chicago Police and CNN pundits downplayed the racial […] Read more